Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TR!CKSTER & Comic-Con Are Upon Us!

Like a hailstorm of badgers, San Diego Convention Week has arrived! I'll be there with the rest of the freaks & yahoos, mingling with fans & colleagues, selling art & merch, and avoiding sleep like The Plague. But, unlike previous years, this time I will NOT be setting up at a table.

Con Schedule
For anyone attending Comic-Con proper, you can catch me at the Oni Press booth at 12 noon on Sunday, July 24. I'll be one of the many artists signing during their Kids Day "Yo, Gabba Gabba!" Blowout! www.comic-con.org, www.onipress.com

If you're in town for the Con, you'd be crazy not to check out Tr!ckster, the simultaneous, creator-owned con that's happening across the street. I'll have merch available in their retail space, including the brand new art book WRECKING SKULL and the Puffed TPB. And I'm exhibiting several original works in their gallery. I'll also be on hand at Tr!ckster off and on, in case I'm needed for any live art or symposiums. www.trickstertrickster.com

Guerrilla Art Strikes
Since we'll both be free from the confines of a booth, longtime colleague Jim Mahfood & I have decided to rock Guerrilla Art Strikes during this fine Con Week. We'll be setting up renegade "studios" from Wednesday through Sunday, on a bar patio, by a hotel swimming pool... or maybe even on the bed in your hotel suite!

Jim and I will post our Guerrilla schedule (time, place, etc), between the morning and early afternoon of each day. Fans & collectors are welcome to show up and commission drawings from us, discuss our creative process, buy us drinks, propose marriage, etc.

Keep up on our exploits via the usual social networking suspects:

Dave Crosland

Jim Mahfood

"They say the good die young, so I added some bad ass to my flavor to prolong my life over the drum."
- King Gum Crosland

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