Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crosland + Artsprojekt = HELL YES!

"Beauty Is The Beast" 24" x 36", acrylic on canvas

Andy Howell and the amazing folks behind Artsprojekt and Zazzle.com invited me out to the Thread show in San Francisco, this weekend. It was an amazing gathering of fashion designers, artists, and creative enthusiasts. The Artsprojekt booth was a massive combination of all that stuff, complete with art prints, apparel, assorted merch, and original artwork. They also had live art going on all weekend long. On Sunday, I rolled through and knocked out the beastly piece up above. Rawr!

To see lots more photos from the weekend, peep the Artsprojekt blog, The Projekt. Enjoy!

Sailing the seas of cheese,
- King Gum, skipper extraordinaire.