Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I was fortunate to get to rock the poster for "SUPER IAM8BIT." And to top it off, I was able to collaborate with the amazing Len O'Grady and his coloring magic. Behold, the fruits of our labor!

2147 W. Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026
*Opening Night Extravaganza: August 11, 7-11pm*

This group exhibition features over 100 artists, all reimagining their 80's gaming fantasies. The opening reception takes place Thursday, August 11th, in lovely Los Angeles, California. Hope to see you kids there!

"You get the ankles & I'll get the wrists! Ya come down to this!"
- Dave

1 comment:

BILL said...

Dave please tell me you'll have some of these bad boys for sale after the show?!